Prayer Palace has begun a major renovation of their church due to the growth of their congregation. At present they need to complete the domed roof of the church at a cost of $18,000 US. The new building will double the size of the current church.

In addition to their radio ministry, Prayer Palace has been given permission to secure a license for a TV Station. Their vision is to provide both Christian programming and Humanitarian services. By teaching people how to grow crops, secure clean water, repair equipment, etc., they will help the people of Uganda to become more self-sufficient. The cost for the TV station is estimated to be $120,000 US. Since the license is paid for, they can initially begin to operate with $30,000.

In summary:

Roof for the Church                      $18,000US
Begin TV station operation           $30,000US
Balance to complete TV Station   $90,000US

Bishop receiving Sony TV camera

Bishop receiving Sony TV camera

Judy Broadcasting from radio Station

Judy broadcasting from radio station

Bishop Showing New Church Building

Bishop showing new church building

Roof of the new church

Roof of the new church