Mission Teams

Beginning with our first trip to Australia and Vanuatu, once we had identified the location and destination parties we would make arrangements and set dates for the trip. Then Judy would contact persons she felt would be qualified to participate and who would be willing to make the trip. The door has always been open for people to contact her directly who felt they had heard from the Lord to make the trip. This has worked well and we have found everyone to be very unselfish and great team players. Consequently many persons have made multiple trips.

Judy is the spiritual leader of our mission trips and Art is the administrator.

Our Mission Trips:

2018 Uganda

This year we had 4 team members travel from the US to Uganda. At the orphanage we painted the Nursery Building and held meetings at Prayer Palace, Antioch Church, Jinja Fellowship and the first service at Faith Tabernacle Church.

Samalie, Linda, Tammy, Judy, Deborah, David, Art

2017 Uganda

This year we had 3 team members from the US and many others joined with us in Uganda.

Linda J., Esther (our interpreter), Art & Judy

Linda J, Samalie, Judy, Art, David

Louis, Art, Linda, Judy, Eric


2016 Uganda

This year in addition to visiting churches and orphanages we provided medical services and readers.

Steve, Nurse, George, Art, Judy, Doctor, Linda J. Doctor, Eric


2015 Uganda

In addition to visiting churches and orphanage/schools we celebrated the 25th conference anniversary of Prayer Palace

Maura, Cindy, Judy, Art, Dayna

Cindy, Maura, Art, Judy, Gordon (Antioch church)


2014 Albania/Uganda

Our first group flew to Albania and ministered, our second group flew to Uganda and join some of the others

Darcy, Judy, Bari, Dave (Albania team)

Art, Judy, Linda J, Darcy, Bari (Uganda team)


2013 Uganda/Kenya

We first visited Kenya and Daniel’s church, then to Uganda speaking at 4 churches, Bishop Grivas’s orphanage/school and at David’s property where we started construction of the orphanage/school.


Linda H, Linda J, David, Pastor, Daniel, Judy, Cindy, Art (In Kenya)

Linda J, Judy, Art, Cindy, Linda H

Pastor, Linda H, Bishop Grivas, Judy, Cindy, Linda J, Art (taken at Prayer Palace)


2012 Uganda/England

Our first visit to Uganda and Antioch church, followed by Prayer Palace and their orphanage/school then to Bath England.

John, Linda J, Dave, Darcy, Lisa Marie, Linda H, Bari, Judy, Art, Paul (taken at the Chicago airport)

Dave, Paul, Lisa Marie, Darcy, Bishop Grivas, Linda H, Linda J, Bari, Art, Judy (taken at radio transmit center)

Son, Pastor David and wife, Judy, Art (Bath, England)

Forerunners team and our team (Bath, England)


2010 Vanuatu/Australia

Our first ministry trip as a group. Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of the founding of Vanuatu and dedication to the Holy Spirit. Followed by numerous speaking engagements in Australia.

Vanuatu Team

John, Art, Dave, Judy, Paul, Bari, Darcy, Jill

Art, Pastor David and wife, Judy

Australia Team

Paul, John, Judy, Art, Dave, Bari, Jill, Darcy

Dave, Judy, Bari, Darcy, John, Jill, David Lister, Art, Paul

Judy, Apostle Garnet Budge